It's an amazing time on our Earth.
"Whaaaaat?!?" You say. "It's the most f@%ked up and conservative we've been!" "Especially after all the revolutionary decades!!" Have you ever seen a bubble pop? When a bubble is about to pop, notice the colors and how much it tries to hold on. You can quite literally see the colors move wildly as it tries to keep it shape. But then...boom. It pops. This is very similar to how the old paradigm is acting. Many of us are trying so hard to cling to what we know that we are clamoring to keep our old beliefs, standards, and safety in tact all the while knowing it doesn't work anymore. Insanity is repeating the same acts and expecting different results. So we cling to the old, desperate for stability in one of the most unstable times on our Earth. It's understandable. Most beings here need answers, safety and everything known to exist here. That's human habit, not human nature. Every evolution happens due to a non-conformed thought. That thought comes from too much similarity, wanting more due to discomfort, or comfort that allows for creativity. With that non-conformed thought comes a vision and desire. With that vision and desire comes a new way of thinking; a stretch in thought, if you will. As a result of any purposed vision, particulate energies gather to support that vision and thought. If little to no resistance is given, that vision, paired with those "ready to create" particulates create what is envisioned. And thus, evolution happens. and your desire to thrive continues. The Earth, its people, and all of existence is built to thrive. It is Law. So what is allowing all of this resistance? The human habit of fear and suspicion of course, coupled with a ton of regret and inadequacy. Pair that with a sense of hopelessness and feelings of entrapment and whoa nelly, you've got a planet in a hot mess! Ever notice a remodel? You have to break down and destroy the old to get to the new. AND, you have to see the mess to see what needs to be repaired and rebuilt. So, beautiful being, there's no need to fear. There is, however, a need to face your shit. We are in a global community and it's time for all of us to step up. If you are here, you are very much needed. YOU as in your best you. So what do you do first? See or FEEL what you are trying so hard to keep the same even though you KNOW it ain't right. Something or some experience that you're trying so hard to keep that just keeps failing. Stop the justification of "I've put so much into this, so it has to work out!" Your micro-managing is making it worse not better. These are unstable times; a time of remodel. So chaining yourself to the proverbial house will not make it stay if it's not supposed to stay. Let it go. If it comes back or isn't destroyed, it is yours. In the meantime, try and face yourself; for the first or the thousand and first time. You're meant to thrive, so aligning with your Higher Self is always a win win... Can't wait to see YOU. Cheers, Saja
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I am going to be posting blogs in video form mostly as I am visual and LOVE to express. Like texting, the words can be misunderstood, taken to seriously or not taken seriously enough. You wait for an answer and assume the worst, when they could only just be peeing or walking the dog. But I digress... Every week, I will post something on Music, Life on Earth and what our Universe is trying to tell us. I hope you enjoy it. If not, no worries. GO click on another page. See you in a week. Saja |
AuthorSaja Butler has been playing the banjo for 22 years. She loves Music, authentic connection, Life on Earth. and our Grand Universal connection. Archives
April 2022
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